Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Mata Indonesia

Newsletter YO Indonesia 1st Edition 2020

Firsts are always special, as they are the dawns of every journey. We are excited to welcome you to the first edition of I-YOShare, the Indonesian Young Ophthalmologist Newsletter. We hope I-YOShare can be beneficial for all young ophthalmologists (YOs) to learn, to inspire, to know each other, and most importantly, to unite, as YOs are the future of ophthalmology.

The uncertainty caused by the Covid-19 pandemic undeniably has brought a great opportunity for YOs to exchange their  xperiences, share their insight, and encourage others. That was why, without any doubt, we chose “Covid-19” as the theme of our very first newsletter. An inspirational interview section with the Indonesian YO forum chairman starts this newsletter. We also deliver to you the insight articles, which will bring you to see the current pandemic situation from various standpoints, how it affects us, and how we can play our role in this era. Moreover, in the experience section, you are invited to take a closer look at our colleagues’ daily life during the pandemic. As teleophthalmology attracts a lot of attention during the Covid-19 era, we put it in the spotlight and you can find it in the technology section. Last but not least, we also got some hints for you in the tips section to keep your mind at peace while dealing with the current situation.

We would like to thank our respected President of Indonesian Ophthalmologists Association, Mohamad Sidik, MD; our Indonesian YO forum chairman, M Bayu Sasongko. MD, M.Epid, Ph.D; and also our mentor, Rina La Distia Nora MD, Ph.D, for the opportunity, guidance, and support so that I-YOShare can be created. Our special thanks also go to our authors, for their fresh ideas, creativity, and efforts to produce an inspiring selection of articles. We hope you find this newsletter useful and enlightening.