Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Mata Indonesia


Picture ICO Society Session - Diabetic Eye Disease | Indonesian Ophthalmologist Association | WOC

ICO Society Session - Diabetic Eye Disease | Indonesian Ophthalmologist Association | WOC

ICO Society Session -  Indonesian Ophthalmologist Association
Diabetic Eye Disease
World Ophthalmology Congress 2024, Vancouver, Canada

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Picture Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Trauma Society (APOTS) Meeting 2024

Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Trauma Society (APOTS) Meeting 2024

The 8th Asia Pacific Ophthalmic Trauma Society (APOTS) Meeting in Bali, Indonesia which will be held from November 8-10, 2024. A long overdue process due to border closure from the COVID-19 pandemic. This meeting will be held with the Indonesian Ophthalmologist Association (IOA) as the supporting organization, in lieu of its goal of promoting eye health and the development of ophthalmology in Indonesia.

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We are happy to announce that the Asia Cornea Society 9th Biennial Scientific Meeting will be held in conjunction with the 7th Indonesian Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery Biennial Scientific Meeting, to be held over three days from 26th – 28th September 2024 at Pullman Hotel Central Park, Jakarta, Indonesia.

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Picture Regional IV Ophthalmology Meeting 2023 (RIVOM)

Regional IV Ophthalmology Meeting 2023 (RIVOM)

RIVOM is getting closer!!
Save your seat before it last!! Do not miss the opportunity!!

Join our interesting symposia and workshops throughout the conference held by PERDAMI Regional IV;

Regional IV Ophthalmology Meeting 2023
in conjunction with CME V.

“Discovering advances in Ophthalmology Learning And Networking”
Its Not Mission Impossible to Become an Expert

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Picture APAO 2024 in BALI, INDONESIA


Indonesia is so excited to be hosting the 39th Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology Congress in Bali, 2024!


The 39th APAO Congress will be held in conjunction with the 49th Perdami (The Indonesian Ophthalmologists Association) Annual Scientific Meeting, and will take place at Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center, Bali, Indonesia, on February 22-25, 2024.

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Picture Perdami Virtual Scientific Meeting 2022

Perdami Virtual Scientific Meeting 2022

Due to the pandemic COVID-19, the Perdami annual scientific meeting 2022 is held virtually. This year marks the 3rd Perdami Virtual Scientific Meeting (PVSM 2022) which will be held on 16th – 25th September 2022. It serves the same purpose to provide the scientific and educational needs to all ophthalmologists and medical doctors. This virtual meeting is accredited by Indonesian Medical Association (IDI) and provides CME credits for all participants.

The PVSM 2022 features the following sessions:

  • Plenary Lectures
  • Presentations from international and national speakers
  • Free Paper and Poster Competition
  • Didactic Courses
  • Industrial Symposia
  • Virtual Exhibitions

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PIT Perdami ke 48 akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 24 – 26 Agustus 2023 di Ballroom Hotel Marriott, Yogyakarta. PIT Perdami 2023 mengambil tema Moving Upon Latest Innovations in Holistic Eyecare, yang artinya bergerak maju kearah perkembangan inovasi terkini khususnya dalam pelayanan kesehatan mata. Penyelenggaraan PIT kali ini diupayakan menjadi Go Green Event dimana penggunaan botol plastic akan dikurangi, sebagai penggantinya panitia memberikan tumbler, botol minuman yang dapat digunakan berulangkali, kepada peserta. Disamping itu materi pertemuan dibuat secara virtual seperti e-registrasi, e,proceeding book, e-poster, dan e-sertifikat.

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Picture IDI – Medical Studium Generale 2022 – Perdami

IDI – Medical Studium Generale 2022 – Perdami

Untuk menyemarakkan kegiatan Muktamar XXXI, PB. IDI akan menyelenggarakan Medical Studium Generale 2022 dalam bentuk symposium virtual. Kegiatan ini berkolaborasi dengan Perdami untuk update informasi dan refresh Ilmu Kesehatan Mata. Pada kesempatan ini Perdami mengadakan parade simposium ilmiah.

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Picture ICC 2022

ICC 2022

In-Depth, INASCRS Development Program for Ophthalmologists, is one of the INASCRS programs in disseminating knowledge specifically basic skills in the fields of Cornea, Cataract, and Refractive Surgery through comprehensive didactic courses platform. In-Depth meeting aims to encourage especially young and existing Ophthalmologists to learn and become an expert in one of these sectors of Cornea, Cataracts, and Refractive Surgery. In this meeting INASCRS is collaborating with INACORS (Indonesian Cornea Society).

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Berakhirnya VISION 2020 memberikan tantangan baru dalam program pencegahan kebutaan di dunia. Strategi baru, 2030 in Sight, bertujuan untuk menciptakan ketersediaan akses ke layanan kesehatan mata yang berkualitas baik, memprioritaskan kebutaan yang dapat dicegah, dan menghilangkan hambatan yang menghalangi partisipasi penuh pasien-pasien dengan gangguan penglihatan permanen. Hal ini dapat terlaksana melalui kolaborasi dan kerja sama dari dokter mata, pemerintah, dan berbagai sektor terkait, dari lokal hingga global, sehingga diharapkan dapat tercapai Sustainable Development Goals.

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