Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Mata Indonesia

YO Indonesia

YO Indonesia
Picture YO-Share Vol IV April 2021 : YO Without Borders

YO-Share Vol IV April 2021 : YO Without Borders

We tend to create far more boundaries for ourselves than the world actually imposes. Pushing ourselves beyond those imaginary borders is the only way to figure out how limitless we truly are. The theme of our fourth edition of the Perdami YO-Share, “YO without Borders”, was chosen mainly to deliver the stories of our YO colleagues in Indonesia who devoted themselves to work at the outermost borders of our beloved country, and even far beyond the borders under unusual circumstances. We are pleased to present you the stories from Central Aceh, East Nusa Tenggara, and Lebanon as well.

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Picture Newsletter YO Indonesia 1st Edition 2020

Newsletter YO Indonesia 1st Edition 2020

Firsts are always special, as they are the dawns of every journey. We are excited to welcome you to the first edition of I-YOShare, the Indonesian Young Ophthalmologist Newsletter. We hope I-YOShare can be beneficial for all young ophthalmologists (YOs) to learn, to inspire, to know each other, and most importantly, to unite, as YOs are the future of ophthalmology.

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Picture Perdami YO-Share vol III October 2020

Perdami YO-Share vol III October 2020

Life is about creating and living experiences that are worth sharing. We are beyond glad to see the enthusiasm of the young ophthalmologists to connect with others by sharing their fellowship experiences. That was why we present this second fellowship edition of the Perdami YO-Share.

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Picture YO-Share Fellowship Edition Part I

YO-Share Fellowship Edition Part I

Coming out of the comfort zone is tough in the beginning, chaotic in the middle, but awesome in the end. A fellowship is not always easy to pursue, but it will show us a different world and eventually makes us see our world differently.

We are more than happy to present the second edition of PERDAMI YO-Share, with the topic of fellowship, popular talks among the young ophthalmologists. And not just one, we will provide two newsletter editions that deliver various articles on fellowship.

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