Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Mata Indonesia

YO-Share Fellowship Edition Part I

Coming out of the comfort zone is tough in the beginning, chaotic in the middle, but awesome in the end. A fellowship is not always easy to pursue, but it will show us a different world and eventually makes us see our world differently.

We are more than happy to present the second edition of PERDAMI YO-Share, with the topic of fellowship, popular talks among the young ophthalmologists. And not just one, we will provide two newsletter editions that deliver various articles on fellowship.

In this edition, we share to you our interview with a world-renowned expert and an inspirational figure, Professor Paul Healey. We also present the insight section, which shows you why fellowships are worthwhile and what to consider before making your decision. Furthermore, we deliver to you the experience section, which allows you to feel the excitement of fellowships in various parts of the world. Make sure you don’t miss the useful information from the articles if you are interested in taking the same path. A new section, the survey, presents the ophthalmology residents’ perspective on fellowships. Last but not least, we have some tips for you to maintain a balance between fellowship and family life.

We would like to thank the President of the Indonesian Ophthalmologists Association (PERDAMI), Mohamad Sidik, MD; the PERDAMI YO chairman, M Bayu Sasongko, MD, M.Epid, Ph.D.; and Rina La Distia Nora, MD, Ph.D. for allowing the young ophthalmologists to grow through the PERDAMI YO-Share. Our special thanks also go to all the authors who share their inspiring minds and ideas.


Please enjoy reading the Perdami YO-Share. We hope you find it helpful in your journey.