Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Mata Indonesia

Regional IV Ophthalmology Meeting 2023 (RIVOM)

RIVOM is getting closer!!
Save your seat before it last!! Do not miss the opportunity!!

Join our interesting symposia and workshops throughout the conference held by PERDAMI Regional IV;

Regional IV Ophthalmology Meeting 2023
in conjunction with CME V.

“Discovering advances in Ophthalmology Learning And Networking”
Its Not Mission Impossible to Become an Expert

Malang, November 10-11th, 2023
Grand Mercure Hotel, Malang

A Collaboration Between
Perdami Malang Raya, Perdami Jatim, and Perdami Kaltim-Kaltara

Symposium & Workshop
Available for Ophthalmologist, Resident, General Practitioner, Nurse and IROPIN.

What are you waiting for?!
Save the Date and Join Us !

Registration Link :

Cp :
– dr. Arya 085236637989
– dr. Afriska 085236637990
Ruly 08179655097
Rani 081217798645
– IROPIN : Y. Hadi Siswanto 082230577567